"la chica ,que tiene Aire.."
"la chica ,que tiene Aire.."
Flamenco in Karlsruhe und Baden-Baden
Flamenco in Karlsruhe und Baden-Baden

Flamenco Lehrer

Lehrerin  :  Louts Katharina


...was born on 31 May 1985.





My  Primary teacher was Sonia Garcia Malma,
born in Barcelona (Spain), immigrated to Israel at the end of 90-ties.
Amazing, passionate spaniard, who in parallel with gamut of abilities in tradition spanish-gipsy flamenco style , is a briliant ballet dancer with high technical level of Ballet Espanol as well. (She was graduated form Instituto del Teatro de Danza y Coreografia de Barcelona).

      ... mi  professora    ... mi inspiracion       ...  mi  Sonia 





  • from 2002 started to perform as a member of Sonia Garcia's dance company.
  • ...giving performances in different parts of Israel.




  •  in the april 2003 made a solo debut at the flamenco festival "Northen flamenco " in St. Petersburg.


    - spaecial judge's prize for rendition of the dance "Taranto".











  • studied and passed different courses and seminars with the famous flamenco dansers and teachers :
    • Manolo Marin
    • Alicia Marquez
    • Juana Amaya
    • Rafael Compallo
    • Rafael Peral ........and others.




  • in 2008 took part at the International Folklore Trachten Festival -Ludvigsaw -Tann , held by C.I.O.F.F. ( UNESCO) along with the groups :



  • TRAPICHITO ( Venesuela)
  • ARLECCHINO ( Italy)
  • BAOHE YE-China ( Germany)

.... and along with German Folk Dance-groups:

  • Gladenbach
  • Friedewald
  • Langenstein
  • Lauterbach
  • Lautenhausen
  • Kirchheim
  • Malkomes
  • Ludwigsau-Tann
  • Kunterbunt der Lebenshilfe Hersfeld
  • Oberaula.


Pictures by: © Maria Tomskaya



...In 2009 successfully finished Humanitarian University of St. Petersburg,
faculty "Folk dance-art creativity".    Basic specialization was Choreography.   As well qualified as Educational specialist, Pedagoge,  leader of choreographic team.

Although learning incured lot of hard work,   but it also was a great fun and brought me great memories and good friends.


März 2016 Düsseldorfer Flamenco Festival  . Tanzprojekt: Choreografischer Aufbau eines Flamencostücks »El Pequeño Vals Vienés« mit Abschlussaufführung .  Arbeit mit dem legendären Choreographen Javier Latorre . Javier Antonio García Expósito (known as Javier Latorre; b. Valencia, Spain, 1963) is a dancer and choreographer. He debuted at the age of sixteen in the National Lyric Company. In 1979, he joined the National Ballet of Spain, as soloist under the direction of Antonio Gades. After receiving an award as the Festival d'Avignon, he founded in 1988 in Cordoba the Ziryab Danza of which he was director, choreographer and dancer. He had considerable success with the show Hijas del Alba. A year later, he received three national awards at the Concurso Nacional de Arte Flamenco. He collaborated on Concierto flamenco para un marinero en tierra with Vicente Amigo before winning the first prize in dance at the Festival del Cante de las Minas in 1994 .

Hier finden Sie uns

Tanzstudio Flamencita

Rheinstraße, 241   76532 Baden-Baden

(in den Räumlichkeiten des Studios  "Dance Station" )

Mittwoch :  18:30- 20:15 Uhr

Freitag  :  17:00 - 19:00 Uhr


Tanzstudio Flamencita

Gablonzer Str. 9  76185  Karlsruhe

(in den Räumlichkeiten des Studios  "Son Latino " )

Dienstag :  17:30 - 22:00 Uhr


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